Indonesian Waste Platform is Indonesia’s waste Think Tank

Keywords : SDG17 – Overview – Behaviour Change strategy development – Riverine Waste – Material Innovation expertise – Collection system development – Data collection

Together we are the Indonesian Waste Platform

Not one single organization is responsible for Waste prevention and management, nor can one single organization solve the issues of Waste


Indonesian Waste Platform is a ‘hub’ catalysing solutions for waste through national collaboration, innovation, and education. Indonesia is in the global spotlight, with scientists estimating the country is the second largest contributor to marine plastic waste in the world . The creation of waste involves us all, from producers to consumers, regulators to educators. System-wide change can only occur by mobilising us all, by breaking down silos, building mutual understanding, and co-designing appropriate solutions. To drive lasting change, we believe we need to collaborate across geographies, sectors and communities in radically creative and people-centered ways. Indonesian Waste Platform (IWP) was founded in 2015 to catalyse this collaboration, making it possible for government, business and civil society to work together rather than in silos to design solutions and deliver against Indonesia’s National Plan of Action on Marine Debris.
To this end, we are currently focusing on three strategic priorities: 1) Fostering connectivity and collaboration 2) Organising national symposia and peer-to-peer capacity building 3) Leading innovative projects on the ground

You are welcome to join Indonesian Waste Platform forum, interact with other stakeholders, share your news, questions and ideas for waste solutions at
To register on our website please follow this link
Member at International Waste Platform

By 2050, there could be more than plastic than fish in the ocean. We know that cleaning up the beaches is vital , but the real problem with plastic starts long before it reaches our oceans and beaches, and so must the solutions. Working side-by-side, businesses and governments have the power to tackle plastic pollution at the source. The real question is not whether a world without plastic pollution is possible by what we will do together to make it happen. #lineinthesand

Publicado en Artículos.

Cuba, La Habana. Investigador Titular del Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras, doctor en Ciencias en el Uso, Manejo y Preservación de los Recursos, y maestro en Ciencias del Agua.

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