- Short Name: ICMPP
- Event Type: Conference
- Presentation: Physical
- Website URL: https://waset.org/microplastics-and-plastic-pollution-conference-in-september-2025-in-vancouver
- Program URL: https://waset.org/conferences-in-september-2025-in-vancouver/program
- Contact URL: https://waset.org
- Location: Vancouver, Canada
- Date: September 23-24, 2025
- Final Submission: August 26, 2025
- Notification: October 01, 2024
- Organization: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
- Conference Tags: water conservation circular economy of plastics environmental quality environmental contamination anaerobic digestion soil ecology ecosystem health biological invasions wastewater treatment plants green innovation environmental policy climate change mitigation sustainable infrastructure water engineering water treatment microbial ecology water purification water resources management environmental protection desalination environmental monitoring carbon capture green economy biodiversity conservation water microbiology pollution prevention bioremediation drinking water water security phytoremediation wildlife tourism environmental health sustainable development monitoring environmental engineering water pollution wastewater waste management sustainability risk assessment restoration recycling pollution control hydrology environmental sustainability environmental science environmental pollution environmental microbiology environmental management environmental chemistry ecology ecological sciences conservation biology conservation wildlife freshwater fisheries sustainable environmentals water safety wastewater treatment
Plastic pollution
Plastics in life and environment
Effects and causes of plastic pollution
Biodegradable and degradable plastics
Decomposition of plastics
Persistent organic pollutants
Sources of ocean-based plastic pollution
Land-based sources of ocean plastic pollution
Recovery and prevention of plastics
Plastic pollution management
Plastics in life and environment
Effects and causes of plastic pollution
Biodegradable and degradable plastics
Decomposition of plastics
Persistent organic pollutants
Sources of ocean-based plastic pollution
Land-based sources of ocean plastic pollution
Recovery and prevention of plastics
Plastic pollution management