Abstract deadline: Climate Science for Ecological Forecasting


11 – 12 May 2022
Coin Street Conference Centre
London, UK

We have extended the abstract submission deadline for our joint symposium with the Royal Meteorological Society.

Abstract deadline: 17:00 (GMT), Wednesday 02 March

Climate fundamentally affects the abundance and distribution of species, and ecological processes in turn feedback to affect the climate. There is clear value in bringing these two disciplines together to collaborate on key topics that can better inform the future of our planet.

The conference will be highly interactive with plenty of opportunity for networking, discussion and idea generation. Keynote addresses, workshops. talks and posters will cover progress in ecological forecasting to date and explore ways in which climate science could ignite novel research.

We are welcoming abstract submissions for oral and poster presentations. Submissions may fall into any of the following themes. However, these themes should not be seen as definitive and we welcome submissions presenting any work at the interface of ecology and climate science.

  • Extreme weather events
  • Shifting climates shaping ecology
  • Ecological understanding to improve climate prediction and adaptation
  • From research to operations
  • Biodiversity change scenarios and targets
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Publicado en Convocatorias.

Cuba, La Habana. Investigador Titular del Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras, doctor en Ciencias en el Uso, Manejo y Preservación de los Recursos, y maestro en Ciencias del Agua.

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