IDRC launches Strategy 2030 for a more sustainable and inclusive world

February 09, 2021

Over 50 years, we have learned the critical role that research, knowledge, and innovation play in building stronger economies and societies in the developing world. Today, the disastrous impacts of climate change and persistent inequalities, combined with the COVID-19 pandemic, are undermining global progress.


IDRC is responding to this urgency for action with Strategy 2030 — an ambitious agenda to create a more sustainable and inclusive world.

Through Strategy 2030, IDRC:

  • reaffirms its commitment to investing in high-quality research and innovation in developing countries;
  • expands its focus on sharing knowledge for greater uptake and use to increase the reach of the research; and
  • continues to mobilize alliances for impact.

Our areas of focus

IDRC’s work over the next decade will be shaped by five areas of focus that contribute to achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals:

  • Climate-Resilient Food Systems – building inclusive and sustainable food systems to help develop resilience among communities severely affected by climate change and addressing emerging health threats that arise from food systems.
  • Global Health – strengthening health systems and policies so they can deliver better maternal and child health, improved sexual and reproductive health and rights for women and girls, and more effective and equitable preparedness and responses to epidemics.
  • Education and Science – ensuring children and youth from vulnerable populations are in school and benefit from high-quality education, while supporting women’s leadership in strong science systems.
  • Democratic and Inclusive Governance –supporting inclusive, accountable, and transparent governance, while empowering vulnerable people and communities to claim their rights and shape the policies and practices that affect their lives.
  • Sustainable Inclusive Economies – building the evidence base to support sustainable development that reduces greenhouse gas emissions while enhancing climate resiliency, fostering shared prosperity, and expanding economic opportunities for women and youth.

To mark our renewed commitment and determination, we are refreshing our visual identity. IDRC’s new logo illustrates our connected principles of partnership, diversity, and collaboration, in addition to the wide range of research activities and solutions at the core of our work. The maple leaf defines IDRC as proudly Canadian.

International Development Research Centre full name logo




Publicado en Convocatorias, noticias / news.

Cuba, La Habana. Investigador Titular del Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras, doctor en Ciencias en el Uso, Manejo y Preservación de los Recursos, y maestro en Ciencias del Agua.

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