7IMDC September 18 (Sun) – 23 (Fri), 2022 Busan, Korea

Abstracts and Posters

The 7th International Marine Debris Conference (7IMDC) launched its Call for Abstracts and Posters on 31 March 2022, with a closing date of 29 April 2022.

Abstract and Poster proposals must be submitted towards one of the 115 different Technical Sessions listed on the Technical Sessions page. In case your proposed abstract or poster does not fit neatly within any of the Technical Sessions, please choose the nearest and best fit – no new Technical Sessions are expected to be added. Authors are welcome to submit more than one abstract or poster to the conference, but please do not submit any particular abstract or poster more than once or to more than one Technical Session.

Abstracts that are selected for the conference will be offered a speaking time in the Technical Session to which they were submitted. The Co-Chairs of each Technical Session will be responsible for reviewing all abstracts submitted to their sessions and selecting their speakers from among these abstracts. We remind Chairs and Co-Chairs of Technical Sessions who wish to present during their own Technical Sessions that they must also submit an abstract through this process. Any abstracts not selected for the Technical Session to which they applied may be considered by Co-Chairs of other Technical Sessions, as appropriate. Abstracts not selected by any Technical Session will be invited to consider changing their abstract to a poster instead.

All posters submitted to the conference will be reviewed on their merits, clarity of contents, and relevance to the greater marine litter and plastic pollution community. Accepted posters will be displayed in the conference’s poster hall as well as online, and will feature during the poster night event.

Authors of Abstract and Poster proposals will be notified towards the end of May if their abstract or poster has been selected for the conference.

Submission Process

The 7IMDC is using the ExOrdo Conference Management Platform to facilitate the management of the abstract and poster submissions and review process. Authors will need to create a unique user ID and password on the ExOrdo Platform in order to submit an Abstract or a Poster.

Ex Ordo Instructions

  • 1. Set up your User Profile in the ExOrdo Platform

    All abstracts and posters must be submitted through Ex Ordo. Authors will need to create a profile in Ex Ordo by clicking on the “Create Account” button on the ExOrdo platform and providing an email address and creating a password. There is no fee to register and use the platform, which will continue to be used leading up to the conference, so save your password.

  • 2. Follow the instructions to submit an abstract or poster
    • Step 1 – Track: Choose the thematic Track that best fits your abstract content. The list of all 9 thematic Tracks can be found on the Technical Sessions page. Note that you will select the Technical Session (Topic) for your proposal in Step 6 below.
    • Step 2 – Format: what type of proposal you are submitting:

      Abstracts that are selected for the conference will be offered a speaking time in the Technical Session to which they have submitted. All abstracts will be reviewed and evaluated by the Co-Chairs of the Technical Session to which they are submitted. Abstracts not selected by any Technical Session will be invited to consider submitting a poster instead.

      Posters that are selected for the conference will be displayed in the conference’s poster hall as well as on the 7IMDC website, and will feature during the poster night event.

    • Step 3 – Title & Content: Provide a succinct but descriptive Title for your Abstract or Poster. For an abstract, enter the main body of text for the Abstract. For a Poster, enter a summary of the proposed Poster.
    • Step 4 – Authors: Complete information about each author. If submitting on behalf of somebody else, select the “I’m not an author” button to enter their name instead of yours. Click “Add another author” at the bottom if there are two or more authors for your proposed abstract or poster. Choose whether each author is the presenting author or a corresponding author. If the author is a student, tick the corresponding box.
    • Step 5 – Biography: Provide a short biography for the presenting author.
    • Step 6 – Select a Technical Session (Topic): Choose the Technical Session (Topic) that you would like your abstract or poster to be considered for. The full list of Technical Sessions is available on the Technical Sessions page of the 7IMDC website.
    • Submit your Abstract or Poster.
    • Note: You can come back and edit the submitted abstract or poster up until the deadline of the Call for Abstracts and Posters. To do so, go to the “my submissions” tab in the Ex Ordo portal, click on the submission and choose “edit” near the bottom. After making changes, save your work.
  • 3. Abstract & Poster Guidelines

    Title character limit: maximum 150 characters.

    Abstract word limit: 500 words.

    Poster summary word limit: 500 words.

    The abstract does not need to include references, but final presentations (submitted nearer to the conference) should include them.

    To facilitate the blind review process, avoid mentioning the authors’ names or their organizations/institutions directly in the body of the abstract (use “author’s institution” instead of naming the author’s company, university or organization)

  • 4. Content of Abstracts and Posters

    The abstracts and posters for this conference will be evaluated by at least two reviewers and successful abstracts may be made available online before, during, and after the conference. By submitting an abstract or poster to this conference, the author hereby affirms that the work submitted is theirs, original and accurate.

    Please consider including the following information in your abstract or in the summary of your poster:


    Relevance to Track and Technical Session Topic chosen

    Aim and objectives

    Detail on format (presentation type, part of panel, poster, etc.)

    Method and findings (if applicable)

    Conclusions and implications

As a kind reminder, abstracts not selected by any Technical Session will be invited to consider changing their submission to a poster instead.

The closing date of the Call for Abstracts and Posters is 29 April 2022 at 11:59 PM Korean time (GMT+9).

Click here to start

Publicado en Convocatorias.

Cuba, La Habana. Investigador Titular del Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras, doctor en Ciencias en el Uso, Manejo y Preservación de los Recursos, y maestro en Ciencias del Agua.

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