NEW and UPDATED: Ocean Literacy Essential Principles & Fundamental Concepts

The NMEA Ocean Literacy Committee announces the publication of “Ocean Literacy: The Essential Principles & Fundamental Concepts of Ocean Sciences for Learners of All Ages.”

Alignment of Ocean Literacy to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the new NMEA Ocean Literacy website devoted to sharing Ocean Literacy resources.

Although the 7 Essential Principles and 45 Fundamental Concepts remain the same, new resources have been developed, and international Ocean Literacy initiatives in many languages have taken root.

NMEA Ocean Literacy Committee has aligned the Ocean Literacy concepts in the guide and the Ocean Literacy Scope and Sequence for Grades K-12 to the NGSS.

In addition to the NGSS alignment, several webinars about the 3 main components of the Ocean Literacy Framework (guide, scope and sequence, and NGSS alignment) have been explored in recorded webinars. Additionally, a presentation toolkit on Ocean Literacy is now freely available online. Finally, Ocean Literacy has a much more prominent presence in international education and policy initiatives than in 2013 and this is now reflected in the guide’s contextual information.  For, example, new organizations have been established and Ocean Literacy has been integrated into international ocean research, such as the Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance and UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.

Lastly, the website features short bilingual videos of the 7 principles done by honors high school Marine biology class in Los Angeles.  The website also includes full Marine biology courses for 9 th/ 10th grade and an honors course for 11 th/ 12 th grade

(Scientifically vetted & produced with assistance of local marine educators and scientists)

Want a copy immediately?  A version suitable for printing on letter-size paper is available online at:  Hard copies of the guide, which include an 18”x 17” poster of the principles and concepts, can be requested by sending an email to

Join Us! The Ocean Literacy Campaign is an ongoing process. To find additional ocean literacy resources and participate in fostering ocean literacy in your community visit and join the National Marine Educators Association (

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