Call for submissions for Deep-Sea Life issue 19 (July 2022) is now open

Dear Deep-Ocean Colleagues,

DOSI and DSBS are pleased to announce that the call for submissions for Deep-Sea Life issue 19 (July 2022) is now open. The first half of the year has flown by! We are so looking forward to reading about your work and events over the last 6 months, as well as plans that you have for the remainder of the year. This issue’s submission deadline is Friday, July 15th, 2022.

For those who have just recently joined the DOSI mailing list, Deep-Sea Life is a key biannual publication that helps the deep-ocean research and professional community stay up to date with exciting developments in our field. For examples of the kind of content we include, you can read the January 2022 issue of Deep-Sea Life here.

Please share your latest news on current or upcoming projects and cruises, along with any of the other content types listed below, so we can celebrate all your achievements this July. Submissions should be sent to Maria Baker at

Scientific, meeting, and opportunities content in DSL will also be streamed across onto the DSBS website and promoted via DOSI and DSBS social media channels to give your work even more exposure.

Here are the sections requiring your contributions:
Photo of the issue (the winning entry will adorn the front page).

Cruise News

Project Focus (an on-going project or new venture)
Meeting and workshop reports and announcements
It’s your opinion
Scientist profiles (open to all, not just students!)
Opportunities (cruise berths, jobs, training opportunities, funding options etc.)
Wanted section (specimens, equipment, etc.)
Hot off the Press (new papers published over the past few months)

Submission Guidelines:
~250 words or ~500 words for longer pieces (so they fit nicely onto the page!)- we like short and punchy!

Font Calibri Body text size 12, Title size 16 Include relevant photos or graphs or photos of yourself etc. PLEASE SEND IMAGES AS SEPARATE FILES.

Include any relevant web and/or email address for readers to contact you.

Please submit text (with photo – separate file) for the scientist profile section – it may also help students to find a post-doc in future.

We have endeavoured to make the DOSI circulation list as far-reaching as possible, but of course we will not have found everyone. Please do circulate this to your colleagues so they can both share content through Deep Sea Life and participate in DOSI should they wish to do so (they can sign up here).

We hope to have representation in the newsletter from around the world, so please do contribute. Thank you for helping to keep this global community connected!

With kind regards,

Your DSL editorial team
Maria Baker, Abi Pattenden, Eva Ramirez-Llodra, Michelle Taylor, Andrea Quattrini, and Bhavani Narayanaswamy
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Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative
University of Southampton, NOCS
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Publicado en Convocatorias, noticias / news.

Cuba, La Habana. Investigador Titular del Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras, doctor en Ciencias en el Uso, Manejo y Preservación de los Recursos, y maestro en Ciencias del Agua.

Un comentario

  1. Hola. ¿Cómo estás? Soy Alberto del Departamento de Prensa. Muchas gracias por atenderme.

    He pensado que podría interesarte cómo podemos hacer que tu empresa aparezca en más de 50 periódicos digitales como noticia (No será un anuncio) por una única cuota al mes sin permanencia. Las noticias no se borrarán

    Periódicos de gran autoridad mencionarán la web de tu empresa para lograr una mejor reputación y posicionamiento web.

    Este servicio incluye tanto la redacción de la noticia como el análisis de las palabras clave.

    Si pudieras proporcionarme un teléfono, me encantaría programar una llamada para hablar contigo, resolver cualquier duda sin compromiso y explicar cómo puedes disfrutar del *mes gratuito* sin permanencia.

    ¡Muchas gracias!

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