Massive Open Online Course on Marine Litter UN Environment Programme and the Open Universiteit have created a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Marine Litter. It is part of Clean Seas and contributes to the goals of the Global Partnership on Marine Litter. The course starts on October 26, 2020 and is free for all students. You can register on this page. The MOOC is available in 10 different languages

Marine litter is a global problem that affects every ocean of the world. Litter is an environmental, human health and socio-economic problem that is a symptom of a highly disposable […]

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600 días lleva La Chang’e-4 en lado oculto de Luna, por Esteban Ramírez. Con una variedad de equipos científicos a bordo, la sonda lunar china ha observado y medido esos terrenos exóticos, ofreciendo vistas y una comprensión sin precedentes del lado oculto de la Luna y más allá.

Sonda lunar Chang’e-4. Foto: BEIJING, 31 ago (Xinhua) — La sonda Chang’e-4 de China ha resistido durante más de 600 días terrestres en el lado oculto de la Luna […]

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plastics At MacRebur®, our mission is to help solve two world problems; to help solve the waste plastic epidemic, and to enhance the asphalt used to make our road surfaces around the world.

MacRebur’s mission is to help solve the waste plastic epidemic and the poor quality of roads we drive on around the world today. Our innovative solution involves processing waste plastics […]

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