Harmful Algae Volume 97, July 2020, 101853 The role of 44-methylgambierone in ciguatera fish poisoning: Acute toxicity, production by marine microalgae and its potential as a biomarker for Gambierdiscus spp. Author links open overlay panel J. Sam Murray abc Michèle R.Prinsepc

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hal.2020.101853 Abstract Ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) is prevalent around the tropical and sub-tropical latitudes of the world and impacts many Pacific island communities intrinsically linked to the reef system for […]

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México Inundaciones y localidades incomunicadas: los daños de la tormenta tropical Cristobal en Cancún y YucatánLos poblados de Morocoy y San Pedro Peralta, en Quintana Roo, se encuentran incomunicados.

6 de junio de 2020 El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN) informó que la tormenta tropical Cristobal comenzó a alejarse de costas mexicanas; sin embargo, causó grandes estragos a su paso […]

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