Infographic: Value of Oyster Habitat

Oysters live in salty or brackish waters on all U.S. coasts and help clean the water. The reefs they form provide habitat for fish and other species. NOAA and partners are working to restore oyster reefs—and their important ecosystem services.

Infographic National Value of Oyster Habitat.jpg

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NOAA plays important roles in oyster restoration around the United States. NOAA conducts science, provides funding, and helps guide restoration of oyster reefs. These projects range in size—but oyster reef restoration in the Chesapeake Bay is the world’s largest oyster restoration project. Because oyster reefs provide habitat for fish and other species, restored oyster reefs also help support healthier fish populations.


Publicado en noticias / news.

Cuba, La Habana. Investigador Titular del Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras, doctor en Ciencias en el Uso, Manejo y Preservación de los Recursos, y maestro en Ciencias del Agua.

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