The Clean Currents Coalition: A global collaborative solution to the complex plastics problem
20 Oct 2020 02:00 PM
Hora del este (EE. UU. y Canadá).
Presented by: Molly Morse and Valeria Tamayo-Canadas from the Benioff Ocean Initiative.
Description: Research shows that 80% of the plastic waste that ends up in the ocean comes from land, with rivers acting as one of the major pathways. Therefore, rivers provide a high-impact opportunity for intercepting plastic waste before it reaches the ocean. The Clean Currents Coalition is a global network of 9 teams combatting the flow of plastic waste from river systems to the ocean. The Coalition are piloting technologies for physical capture of plastic waste in polluted rivers and catalyzing policy-based, infrastructural, and societal change to reduce plastic waste leakage into those rivers. Join the webinar to learn more about the solutions championed by Coalition member teams in their river systems, the plastic-intercepting technologies they are piloting, and the strategies for creating behavior change in these communities.
Co-sponsors: OCTO (, OpenChannels, The Skimmer, MPA News, EBM Tools Network).
The Clean Currents Coalition: A global collaborative solution to the complex plastics problem 20 Oct 2020 02:00 PM
Publicado en Convocatorias.