7th International Marine Debris Conference (7IMDC)

Sent by UNEP on behalf of the 7IMDC

Dear colleagues,

Please find below some important updates on the 7thInternational Marine Debris Conference (7IMDC), which will take place from 18-23 September 2022 in Busan, Republic of Korea.

Provisional Conference Programme Available

We are pleased to announce that the 7IMDC’s Provisional Conference Programme is now available on the 7IMDC website here. To view the detailed interactive daily schedule, which includes the time and date of each Technical Session, please log in to Ex Ordo and click the “Programme” tab in the top left corner. This Provisional Programme is subject to change as planning for the conference continues. We invite you to browse through the impressive schedule of Technical Sessions which are designed to inform, connect and inspire!

Email account undergoing maintenance

The 7IMDC’s main email address (info@7imdc.org) will be under maintenance from Friday the 17th of June to Monday the 27th of June 2022, to migrate it to a new server after some irregularities were encountered with the current one. To ensure your messages are not lost during this transfer period, please copy david.marquis@un.org in all correspondence with the 7IMDC until the main account is fully operational again. If you previously contacted 7IMDC and have not yet received a response, we apologize for this and kindly invite you to resend your message.

Registration is Open

While Early Bird registration has now closed, Regular Registration remains open and we would encourage you to secure your seat at the conference as soon as possible. Online Registration has now opened too, for those participants who do not expect to be able to travel to Busan but would still wish to attend and participate in the conference virtually. For more information on registration fees and to start your registration, please see the Registration page on the 7IMDC website.

Sponsorship Opportunities

A number of sponsorship opportunities exist for any organisation or entity wishing to support the conference. This is a great opportunity to connect with stakeholders in the marine litter and plastic pollution community and to position your organisation as part of the solution to the global issue of marine debris and plastic pollution. For more information on both general and specific sponsorship opportunities, please see the 7IMDC’s Sponsorship Prospectus, and do not hesitate to reach out to schedule a discovery call.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Busan later this year!


Best regards,

The 7IMDC Team

7th International Marine Debris Conference (7IMDC)

For more information on the 7IMDC, please visit our website at www.7imdc.org and subscribe to our mailing list at www.7imdc.org/signUp/mailing Key dates for the conference can be found here: https://7imdc.org/sevenImdc/importantDates

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Publicado en Convocatorias.

Cuba, La Habana. Investigador Titular del Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras, doctor en Ciencias en el Uso, Manejo y Preservación de los Recursos, y maestro en Ciencias del Agua.

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