JRC AUTOTRAC 2020 How the future road transport will look like ?

Oct 05 2020
Oct 07 2020

Come and help us shaping the future of road transport!

JRC AUTOTRAC 2020 is the first autonomous vehicle traffic competition.

Differently from other competitions involving small-scale automated vehicles (AVs), AUTOTRAC is about vehicles’ cooperation behavior rather than their individual capacity to complete a certain path.

If you have a team of people able to build a fleet of cooperative, automated, small-scale vehicles (CAVs), submit an application to participate.


Please follow the instructions (PDF) and register online.

Deadline: 30 September 2019 (23:59 CET).

By confirming their participation, the teams will agree with the terms and conditions of the competitions and send a photo of the team and/or of the available robots to be published on promotional material (e.g. web page).


The main pillars of the AUTOTRAC initiative are promotion of

  • cooperation between AVs,
  • more efficient energy consumption and the
  • reasonable utilisation of the transport network.

AUTOTRAC 2020 want to find out if

  • CAVs capable to do a better utilisation of the network.
  • Can deliver less congestion, safer and greener mobility.

Participants and organisation

AUTOTRAC is open to teams of students, universities, research centers, makers’ communities, and private companies.

Each team participates with a fleet of four small-scale AVs that should demonstrate

  1. efficiency in automated driving and
  2. cooperation for better network utilization.

The application shall contain a

  • short motivation to participate to AUTOTRAC,
  • list of past competitions attended and the results achieved,
  • link to a web page where the team can show via videos and other material its technical capacity.

On the basis of the applications received, a group of JRC experts will select the best 12 teams that will be invited to take part to the competition.

Reimbursement of travel and accommodation expenses will be available to a selected number of teams.
No admission fee is foreseen.


European Commission – Joint Research Centre
Via Enrico Fermi, 2749
I – 21027 Ispra (VA) Italia


For further questions about JRC AUTOTRAC 2020 please email JRC-AUTOTRAC@ec.europa.eu

Publicado en Convocatorias.

Cuba, La Habana. Investigador Titular del Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras, doctor en Ciencias en el Uso, Manejo y Preservación de los Recursos, y maestro en Ciencias del Agua.

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