Conferencia Electrónica Internacional en Water Sciences organizada por la revista Water.

6th International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences

15/11/2021 – 30/11/2021


Estimad@s colegas de la red

Adjunto os envío información sobre la 6th Conferencia Electrónica Internacional en Water Sciences organizada por la revista Water. Esta edición está dedicada al Impacto del Cambio Climático sobre costas en su sentido más amplio, siendo el Prof Marcel Stive el chair de la misma (ver detalles abajo).

Os animo a presentar un abstract a la misma, aprovechando que es gratuita y que además ofrece diferentes premios en varias categorías, que pueden venir muy bien a nuestr@s alumn@s de doctorado o jóvenes doctores/as. Tenemos de fecha hasta el 1 de Septiembre para mandar un abstract de unas 200-300 palabras.


Buen verano a tod@s



Prof Dr José A Jiménez

Coastal Morphodynamics, Risks, Climate Change, Coastal Management
Laboratori d’Enginyeria Maritima
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech
C/ Jordi Girona 1-3, Campus Nord Ed. D1, 08034 Barcelona, Spain
Phone: (34) 93 4016469
Google Scholar:

M-CostAdapt Project:


It is a pleasure to present the 6th International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences (ECW 2021), which will be held online from 15 to 30 November 2021. This conference is organized by the MDPI open access journal Water (Impact Factor 2.544) and will be chaired by Prof. Dr. Marcel Stive, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands.

This free e-conference will provide leading scientists with a robust platform upon which to share and discuss their latest research on topics related to the following sessions:

  • The impact of eustatic and regional sea level rise on coasts, estuaries and deltas in terms of flood risk and hazard assessment;
  • The impact of eustatic and regional sea level rise on coasts, estuaries and deltas on coastal ecology;
  • The impact of climate change induced changes in wave and storm surge climate on coasts, estuaries and deltas in terms of flood risk and hazard assessment;
  • The impact of climate change induced changes in wave and storm surge climate on coasts, estuaries and deltas on coastal ecology;
  • Soft and hard interventions to adapt to and mitigate abiotic and biotic coastal change due to climate change and human interventions;
  • Assessing the functioning and services of socio-economic and ecological coastal systems.

During the days of the conference, the ECWS 2021 will allow you to share your papers and posters worldwide, making your work available for the audience to read and provide comments. Do not miss this chance—submit your abstract before 1st September 2021. More detailed information and other important deadlines can be found at

In addition, awards will be given to the best abstract and best poster presented to the conference. The winner of the Best Abstract Award will be awarded CHF 500 and a voucher of CHF 400; the winner of the Best Poster Award will be awarded CHF 300 and a voucher of CHF 300.

Time Schedule

  • Abstract Submission: 1st September 2021;
  • Notification of Acceptance: 25th September 2021;
  • Submission of Full Manuscript to Water: 15th October 2021;
  • Conference Date: 15–30 November 2021.

We hope you will be able to join us at this exciting event. Please feel free to circulate this announcement to colleagues who may be interested in this conference.

If you have questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

On behalf of the Conference Secretariat

Jose A Jimenez


Publicado en Convocatorias.

Cuba, La Habana. Investigador Titular del Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras, doctor en Ciencias en el Uso, Manejo y Preservación de los Recursos, y maestro en Ciencias del Agua.

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