Macroalgal palatability and the flux of ciguatera toxins through marine food webs

Edwin Cruz-Rivera, Tracy A. Villareal

(Artículo de revisión)

Abstract: The benthic dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus toxicus produces polyether toxins that cause ciguatera fish poisoning in humans. The toxins initially enter food webs when fish forage on macroalgae, or other substrates, hosting this epiphytic dinoflagellate. Population studies of G. toxicus and risk assessments in ciguatera-prone regions often rely on quantifying dinoflagellates on macroalgae. Underlying these studies is the assumption that the algae sampled represent a readily consumable resource equally available for benthic grazers. However, many algal hosts of G. toxicus possess a variety of defenses against grazing, and host–dinoflagellate associations may act as toxin sources or sinks depending on their palatability. Marine macroalgae may tolerate or avoid herbivory by exhibiting fast growth, by having poor nutritional quality, by utilizing spatial or temporal escapes or by using chemical or structural defenses. Thus, rapidly consumed algae that cope with herbivores by growing fast, such as many filamentous turfs, could be responsible for a high toxin flux even at low dinoflagellate densities. In contrast, ubiquitous unpalatable algae with much higher dinoflagellate densities might contribute little to toxin flux, and effectively act as refuges for G. toxicus. To date, G. toxicus has been reported from 56 algal genera, two cyanobacteria, one diatom, and one seagrass; 63% of these contain species that are defended from fish grazing and other grazers via chemical, morphological or structural defenses, by low nutritional quality, or by a combination of defensive strategies. High dinoflagellate densities on unpalatable macroalgae could indicate passive accumulation of cells on undisturbed hosts, rather than population explosions or active toxin sources for food webs. Understanding the flow of ciguatoxins in nature requires consideration of the ecology of both G. toxicus and its algal hosts. The complexity of marine algal– herbivore interactions also has consequences for other benthic dinoflagellates that produce toxins, which accumulate in consumers.

Keywords: algal defenses, bioaccumulation of toxins, ciguatera, CTX, Gambierdiscus toxicus, marine herbivores, toxin flux through food webs


Publicado en Ciguatera.

Licenciada en Información Científico Técnica y Master en Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información, por la Universidad de La Habana, Cuba. Ha estado vinculada durante más de 25 años al área de las Ciencias de la Información y desde el 2015 labora como Especialista Principal en el Centro de Documentación e Información del Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras (CIP) de Cuba.

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