RV: EU International Ocean Governance Forum

Dear Colleagues,

Please find below information on the EU International Ocean Governance Forum: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/maritimeforum/en/frontpage/1469

The International Ocean Governance Forum (IOG Forum) provides a platform for ocean actors and stakeholders within and beyond Europe to share understanding, experiences and good practices on ocean governance.

The IOG Forum supports the follow-up and further development of the EU policy on international ocean governance: an agenda for the future of our oceans. The IOG agenda brings 50 cross-cutting actions to ensure clean, healthy, safe, secure and sustainably used oceans. It is an integral part of the European Commission’s Green Deal and the EU’s response to the 2030 Agenda, in particular, the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 Life Below Water.

IOC is invited to contribute to thematic working group discussions, webinars and workshops addressing specific challenges, practical experiences, solutions and pre-conditions for success, in particular (documents attached):

Julian was invited to participate as speaker on behalf of IOC before the Commission decided to change the format of the event to online discussions due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic

From:    Cesar TORO, Head IOC-UNESCO Regional Secretariat for IOCARIBE

Best Regards,    Dr. Cesar TORO (sent by Ms. Wills)

Head IOC of UNESCO Regional Secretariat for IOCARIBE

Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO

IOC of UNESCO Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions

Edificio Chambacu, Cra 3B # 26-78 Oficina 405,

Cartagena de Indias, Colombia

Tel: +57 5 6640955/Fax:+57 5 6640288

Publicado en noticias / news.

Cuba, La Habana. Investigador Titular del Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras, doctor en Ciencias en el Uso, Manejo y Preservación de los Recursos, y maestro en Ciencias del Agua.

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